This article applies only to P2 Machines

  1. Open Motorscope

  2. Initialize the machine if it hasn't been already (“Tools” → “Find Volume”).

  3. Go to “View” → “Testing”.

  4. Open the “Sync Settings” dialog.

  5. Find the check box “XLINENC”, “YLINENC” or “ZLINENC” and enable it for the desired axis.

  6. Close the dialog and click "Apply Sync Settings".

  7. Drive or push the corresponding axis back and forth.

  8. Look at the corresponding coordinate of the Position. It will update each time the index mark is passed.

  1. The position should repeat to the same value when traveling in the same direction. In the opposite direction, it should not deviate by more than 2 counts.

If the position does not repeat in the X or Y axis of a Vertex 261, 341, or 342, replace the encoder.

If the position does not repeat in the X, Y or Z of the Excel models or Z-axis of the Vertex model, then realign the encoder

If the position does not repeat after realigning the encoder, replace the encoder scale, the readhead, or both.