This article presents an application example and uses third party software.
For questions regarding third party software, contact the corresponding company.
This example uses Microsoft® Excel® Version 2211 Build 16.0.15831.20220
The presented workflow can be used to create a fully customized report based on exported measurements from InSpec that are processed in Microsoft Excel.
Create Report Template
Create Report Sheet
Create Data Sheet
Import CSV Data manually
Add References to Report Sheet
Record Macro for CSV Import
Record Macro for PDF Export
Create VBS to Open Spreadsheet and Run Macros
Create Batch file to run VBS
Setup Demo Project
InSpec Classic
Microsoft Excel Version 2211 or newer
Unpack files in C:\Users\Public\Documents
Make sure the files are located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\ReportTemplate
Copy the files to this directory if they are located in a subfolder like \ReportTemplate\ReportTemplate
Open ReportingTemplate.iwp in InSpec Classic
Start Playback and follow instructions
Observe how the custom report PDF is created
Close Programs without saving and delete ExportedResults.csv for repeated run