Band Alignment
Clean the band with acetone.
Thread the Y band through the capstan drive assembly. Each band has a more ‘rounded’ side if you look closely. Install the rounded side towards the shaft attached to the motor.
Install the Y band into the Y band slotted holder on the front and back. Secure it with four socket head caps 4 mm x 12 mm. See the image below:
Loosen the front and back M10 band tensioners.
Hand tighten both Y Band tensiones. The band should be tightened but not torqued.
Open the capstan idler to see the band on the capstan drive shaft. The band should be approximately centered on the capstan drive shaft.
Run the Y axis back and forth by hand, observing the band position on the capstan idler bearing by looking through the open idler door and adjust the top M6 screws on the band tensioner which are push-pull bolts that raise and lower the band on each end. Again, try to keep the band about 2 mm from the top capstan shaft shoulder as shown:
Follow the same procedure used for the Y band to center the X band. The X band also needs to be centered side to side on each end. Center the band so it appears centered in the slots on the capstan using the two M6 pull screws on the front and back of the X band tensioners.
Tighten the M10 tension bolts for both the X and Y axes to the following specification:
Double check that the bands look centered over the entire travel for each axis.
Tightening the Idler Tension Bolt
Ensure the band is correctly aligned before proceeding.
Loosen the tension bolt on the capstan drive.
Finger tighten the tension bolt.
Tighten the tension bolt an additional 1⁄2 – 3⁄4 turn.
Use the pendant to move the axis and check the sync error value using Motorscope Access under Tuning view.