Camera Live Image Issue

Error report record:
wdm_grabber.cpp(9789): IMediaControl::Run() failed (0x80070057) 10 times. Video streams may not work.

Please follow the following steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check the connectivity meaning cables being plugged in place correctly and firmly in both ends.

  2. Check the USB video converter box along with the USB cables.

  3. Make sure there is no antivirus or other network protection software that might be conflicting with the USB camera connection when running InSpec software.

  4. Go to Windows - Settings - Privacy - Allow apps to access your camera must be enabled.

  5. Download the latest version of InSpec and install it. The latest version is available here: under the 'Downloads' tab, enter the product model in the search bar.

  6. Download IC Capture and plug in the camera directly to the PC to test if the camera works correctly:

Do not install or update any drivers. InSpec installer will install the drivers needed.

  1. If the camera is not working:

    Try a different camera
  1. If the camera works in the IC Capture:

    - Try a new Camera Cable (S-video cable for some older machine, but USB for most of the machines)
    - Try a new USB cable
    - Try a new Logic Board
    - Try a new USB Video Converter on machines with S-video output.

If none of the above-mentioned methods worked, replace the Logic Board.

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